Remembering Lunch Talk
For those of you who didn’t know, which is probably most of you, this site is not the first thing Joe Papparotto and JT Levendusky have teamed up to do. The first project was the lunch talk series in which we sat down and talked for five to ten minutes on a subject.
The whole idea started when I was recording videos about sports for my YouTube channel. Papparotto, Levendusky and I had already been eating lunch together every Wednesday in between our classes so I brought up the idea, both of them liked the idea.
We only made two videos, we started at the middle of the semester and by the end we were either eating at Bill Bateman’s Bistro or two busy to eat at all.
Joe and I have already talked about continuing the videos during the summer at some point, and during next semester.
Here is the first video
The second video was on the Orioles pitching staff