Opinion: Maryland Outshines Oregon Again
So the University of Oregon is wearing… *checks notes*… mood ring shoes with their uniforms? I’m sure someone in the R&D department at Nike was beyond excited to bring back a feeling of nostalgia with their job, but what’s the point of this? Unless the cameras zoom in on the shoes there’s next to no chance viewers will be able to see the color ways change on these shoes. If you’re a fan in the stands there’s no chance you’ll be able to see the jerseys.
This is why I love Under Armour and Maryland Jerseys. They’re always on point, see here:

A University of clean, simple looks:

They’ve never, ever done anything that didn’t hit.

Absolutely timeless looks that make sense:

Most importantly, the university has never, and I mean NEVER done anything to make its players looks like crash test dummies.

Yup, we here in the Old Line State certainly know how to make sure our team uniforms are always on point, unlike those weirdos out west.