Aki Basho: Day 7 and 8 results, insight, and current standings
Shock leader Atamifuji showing he belongs in Division 1. Takayasu looking very strong. Hoshoryu? Question marks.
We’re getting to the point where we start finding out who has the power to be a champion in the world of Sumo in Day 7 and 8. 21-year-old Maegashira 15 Atamifuji has been drowning out the noise and staying focused on the task at hand thanks to a pair of wins over Kagayaki and Aoiyama. “i’m having a lot of fun,” says Atamifuji, “working hard and doing what I do, just win matches and stay hungry.” Meanwhile, Takayasu is having a good tournament as well as he rose to 7-1 thanks to wins over Mitakeumi and Midorifuji.
Surprise contenders Gonoyama and Tsurugisho are in line for a special prize as they off to 6-2 starts in the tournament with 7 days to go.
Hoshoryu has had a disastrous start to his Ozeki campaign as he fell to 3-5 in the last 2 days of matches.
Final Results from Day 7 and 8 and Winning Kimarite
DAY 7 | DAY 8 |
Atamifuji defeats Kagayaki Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Atamifuji defeats Aoiyama Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) |
Nishikifuji defeats Kotoshoho Winning Kimarite: Hatakikomi (slap down) | Myogiryu defeats Daishoho Winning Kimarite: Tsukiotoshi (thrust down) |
Myogiryu defeats Tsurugisho Winning Kimarite: Uwatenage (over arm throw) | Chiyoshoma defeats Nishikifuji Winning Kimarite: Okuridashi (rear push out) |
Sadanoumi defeats Chiyoshoma Winning Kimarite: Yorikiri (frontal force out) | Tsusugisho defeats Takarafuji Winning Kimarite: Yorikiri (frontal force out) |
Takarafuji defeats Daishoho Winning Kimarite: Okuridashi (rear push out) | Kagayaski defeats Sadanoumi Winning Kimarite: Tsukidashi (frontal thrust out) |
Mitakeumi defeats Aoiyama Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Hokuseiho defeats Kotoshoho Winning Kimarite: Yoritaoshi (frontal crush out) |
Hokuseiho defeats Kinbozan Winning Kimarite: Yorikiri (frontal force out) | Takayasu defeats Mitakeumi Winning Kimarite: Hatakikomi (slap down) |
Endo defeats Hiradoumi Winning Kimarite: Yoritaoshi (frontal crush out) | Endo defeats Oho Winning Kimarite: Isamiashi (forward step out) |
Takayasu defeats Midorifuji Winning Kimarite: Uwatenage (over arm throw) | Onosho defeats Kinbozan Winning Kimarite: Hatakikomi (slap down) |
Shonannoumi defeats Kotoeko Winning Kimarite: Yorikiri (frontal force out) | Midorifuji defeats Ryuden Winning Kimarite: Katasukashi (under shoulder swing down) |
Gonoyama defeats Oho Winning Kimarite: Okuridashi (rear push out) | Gonoyama defeats Kotoeko Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) |
Ura defeats Ryuden Winning Kimarite: Uwatedashinage (pulling over arm throw) | Shonannoumi defeats Hiradoumi Winning Kimarite: Shitatenage (underarm throw) |
Takanosho defeats Onosho Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Abi defeats Shodai Winning Kimarite: Hikiotoshi (hand pull down) |
Asanoyama defeats Abi Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Asanoyama defeats Meisei Winning Kimarite: Yorikiri (frontal force out) |
Tobizaru defeats Meisei Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Daieisho defeats Nishikigi Winning Kimarite: Hatakikomi (slap down) |
Wakamotoharu defeats Hokutofuji Winning Kimarite: Yorikiri (frontal force out) | Hokutofuji defeats Kotonowaka Winning Kimarite: Oshitaoshi (frontal push down) |
Daieisho defeats Kotonowaka Winning Kimarite: Tsukiotoshi (thrust down) | Wakamotoharu defeats Tamawashi Winning Kimarite: Hatakikomi (slap down) |
Nishikigi defeats Hoshoryu Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Takanosho defeats Kirishima Winning Kimarite: Tsukidashi (frontal thrust out) |
Shodai defeats Takakeisho Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) | Ura defeats Hoshoryu Winning Kimarite: Hatakikomi (slap down) |
Kirishima defeats Tamawashi Winning Kimarite: Tsukiotoshi (thrust down) | Tobizaru defeatsTakakeisho Winning Kimarite: Oshidashi (frontal push out) |
Takayasu – 7-1
Atamifuji – 7-1
Wakamotoharu – 6-2
Gonoyama – 6-2
Myogiryu – 6-2
Tsurugisho – 6-2
Kirishima – 5-3
Takakeisho – 5-3
Tobizaru – 5-3
Hokutofuji – 5-3
Ura – 5-3
Shonnannoumi – 5-3
Onosho – 5-3
Endo – 5-3
Kinbozan – 5-3
Mitakeumi – 5-3
Kotonowaka – 4-4
Daieisho – 4-4
Nishikigi – 4-4
Asanoyama – 4-4
Abi – 4-4
Takanosho – 4-4
Hokuseiho – 4-4
Sadanoumi – 4-4
Takarafuji – 4-4
Nishikifuji – 4-4
Hoshoryu – 3-5
Meisei – 3-5
Shodai – 3-5
Midorifuji – 3-5
Ryuden – 2-6
Oho – 2-6
Hiradoumi – 2-6
Kotoeko – 2-6
Kotoshoho – 2-6
Aoiyama – 2-6
Chiyoshoma – 2-6
Daishoho – 2-6
MK – Tamawashi – 0-8
Wrestlers who will be Kachi-Koshi (8+ wins or losses) with win on Day 9:
See you tomorrow for more!