Machado will have knee surgery

Manny Machado 8-10-2012The Baltimore Orioles third baseman Manny Machado will have knee surgery to repair his MPFL on his left knee.  Machado himself wanted to do the surgery as he was told that it could help his long term career.

Remember Machado hurt his knee on the play found here it occurred very late in the season.  At first the Orioles hoped that Machado could avoid surgery and just rehab the injury.  The recovery time for Machado’s knee injury is 4-6 months which puts him on pace to be ready for opening day.

Machado batted .283 with 51 doubles last season, he also added 14 home runs.  Machado played every game until his knee injury and was a true Iron Man for the club.

I think this is a good idea by Machado to get this surgery.  Some injuries linger and weaken when not fixed properly.  In some cases the pain goes away but the damage done is still damage done and it could make it easier to re-injure the same knee.

Here is a tweet from Brittany Ghiroli about the surgery.


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Brian Hradsky

The owner of MSB, I created this website while in college and it has never died.

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