Statement from Ray Lewis

I received this press release this morning from the Baltimore Ravens. It is a statement from Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis and is interesting because it hints at his injury.

“I apologize for not being available as I normally am on a day like today, but I am taking every opportunity to get treatment on my foot to prepare to play on Thursday. Anytime you see your team on the field, you always want to be out there with them. As the leader of your team, it doesn’t sit well with me to be on the sidelines. But I was the biggest cheerleader out there on Sunday, and I was truly proud of the way we played as a team. I am doing everything in my power to get back as fast as I can, whether that’s this week, next week or whenever it is, I am doing everything I can to be out there with my team. I want to play Thursday night, and I am making some progress.”

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Brian Hradsky

The owner of MSB, I created this website while in college and it has never died.

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