Chuck Pagano leaving Baltimore Ravens to join Indy

The Baltimore Ravens former defensive coordinator, Chuck Pagano, has accepted the Indianapolis professional football team’s head coaching position.  Pagano had a very successful year for the Ravens which were ranked third in overall defense.  The defense was vastly improved with Pagano running it.  The Ravens defense ranked 10th in 2010 when Greg Mattison was the defensive coordinator, which was slightly above mediocre.  Pagano has been with the Ravens since 2008.  He was the secondary coach before becoming the defensive coordinator.

The Baltimore Ravens have not yet released a press release detailing the move, here is NFL reporter Jason La Confora tweet on the move.

Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo tweeted this regarding Pagano.

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Brian Hradsky

The owner of MSB, I created this website while in college and it has never died.

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